We have a full programme of sessions lined up for you! To help you with your planning, you can read full session descriptions below and the days and times they will be run. We’ve organized the sessions for you by theme or subject area – so if you’re most interested in profile-raising, click on the button and you will see all the relevant sessions.

We have put all the International Junior Branch Conference (IJBC) sessions together but please note that you don’t have to be a JBer to join them. Some of the IJBC sessions are compulsory for all JBers and some for all National Junior Representatives (this is included in the session description).

You can see all of the sessions and session descriptions in the registration system.

See our evening activities and communities of interest.


Organizational Change & Next Level Thinking

The Key To Innovation In The Future Lies In Perception

15 Aug 11:15-13:00 || 18 Aug 11:15-13:00


The workshop intends to provide an overview of a theoretical understanding of effective Change Management and introduces a systematic approach, i.e. the processes, deliverables, project activities, and tools used during a Change Management project. Afterwards, a method that leads to a new approach to innovation through your most important problem in your Committee, Chapter, or NA/PA will be introduced. The workshop is for anyone that is interested in Change Management processes, or who is facing a change process in the future, or is not sure whether a change process is needed in their part of the organization. In the end, you should feel empowered to start a change process and be inspired to start your own innovative idea within CISV.

Presenter: Marietta Möhlen

Cultural Competence and Leadership
15 Aug 11:15-13:00 || 15 Aug 16:30-18:00 || 17 Aug 11:15-13:00


CISV is a global organization with many different cultures represented. In such an organization, it is very important to develop culturally competent ways of working. This session will give some insight into what cultural competence is, and how we can be (more) culturally competent in the ways we run our organization(s) and camps. How can we improve the cultural diversity of the organization? How can we avoid certain cultures becoming dominant? How can we become more inclusive of different ways of thinking, acting, and understanding? If you want to help improve how CISV works with cultural diversity in how we approach leadership in the organization, then this session is for you!

Presenter: Anders Wulff & Marty Petrone

CISV and Beyond

Using my CISV Experience to Grow my Chapter and a Career.

15 Aug 11:15-13:00 || 15 Aug 14:30-16:00 || 17 Aug 14:30-16:00


The hours and years you have put into CISV as a participant and volunteer have had a positive impact on you and your community; and it doesn’t have to end there. In 2006, the presenter conducted an action research project with her CISV Chapter to identify the skills CISVers gain and contribute to their community. Now it is your turn! In this interactive workshop you will share your CISV stories and learn how to convert your CISV experiences into tangible and quantifiable skills you can use to grow your Chapter, develop your leadership, and make a difference in the world. Come craft a personal vision for your future, based upon your CISV experiences and goals. Learn how to translate all that you have learned into skills and qualities you can use to strengthen your resume and LinkedIn profile, job interview performance, CISV Chapter, and leadership. Let’s connect the dots between all that you have gained from CISV and your future.

Presenter: Tamara Thorpe

Broadening our Horizon

Bridging to New Target Groups

15 Aug 14:30-16:00


It is a deeply cherished wish within CISV Netherlands to broaden our horizon and increase the diversity within our own organization, giving more youth – from various (less advantaged) societal groups – the opportunities that CISV provides to develop as global citizens. Not only in international programmes, but, even more, to increase the learning opportunities in our national camps. In 2017, we put the first steps of a newly developed strategy towards engaging new target groups with CISV activities into practice. During this session, we would like to share our experiences, positive outcomes, and challenges. This covers three directions: creating a social fund (to overcome financial barriers); cooperating with educational organizations working with these new target groups (to reach the target group); and setting up projects to bridge between CISV and these new target groups (establishing trust). Secondly, we would like to invite participants to this session to share their own best practices and challenges, to be able to finish the session with a hand-out that covers 10 dos’ and don’ts about engaging new (less advantaged) target groups.

Presenter: Annelies Overvliet and Miranda Pieron

What is CISV’s Role in Responding to Global Events?
15 Aug 14:30-16:00 || 17 Aug 11:15-13:00


We teach peace education in our programmes, and we follow educational content areas on a yearly cycle, but what do we do when a catastrophic or important event occurs? What is our role as an organization in helping delegates to make sense of real events happening in the world and determining how to take action? In this session, participants will brainstorm programmatic reactions to current events and develop ideas for how to integrate them with programmes. Content will be based on current situations at the time of the Global Conference.

Presenter: Rachel Kuck and Chrissy Horwedel

How does CISV Stay Relevant?
15 Aug 11:15-1:00 || 18 Aug 9:00-10:45


As a non-political, non-governmental organization, how does CISV stay relevant in a highly politicized world? Has CISV stayed relevant? When CISV was founded in 1951, the world was recovering from a world war that involved 12 distinct nation states – all of which are now members of CISV (not counting colonies – to know more, attend the session!). Today, most conflicts are intra-national; more than half of the displaced peoples in the world are displaced within the borders of their own country, and of the 29 countries experiencing significant conflict, CISV is present in 11. And at the same time, our cities are becoming increasingly diverse. For children born in cities like London, Washington, Berlin, and Melbourne, their primary school class is likely to speak a wider range of languages than children participating in a Village. So, what makes CISV relevant for today’s children? We will discuss, debate and delve into the challenges that CISV will face in the coming years to remain relevant and useful for youth in the 21st Century.
This is a companion session to CISV and Today’s World, however, you may choose to only register for one or the other.

Presenter: Grace Vottero & Jess Wanless

CISV and Today’s World
15 Aug 14:30-16:00 || 18 Aug 11:15-13:00


How can CISV, in our current structure, engage youth around the world with the highest possible level of relevance and purpose? In this breakout session, participants will discuss issues close to them or their Chapter, and brainstorm small but meaningful steps that their Chapters can take to engage in global issues through their local communities.
This is a companion session to “How does CISV Stay Relevant?”, however, you may choose to only register for one or the other.

Presenters: Grace Vottero & Jess Wanless

Design Thinking for Social Impact

Inspiration, Ideation and Implementation in our Chapters

Part 1 – 15 Aug 14:30-16:00 || Part 2 – 15 Aug 16:30-18:00
Part 1 – 18 Aug 9:00-10:45 || Part 2 – 18 Aug 11:15-13:00


Traditionally, Design Thinking has been focussed on improving functionality and providing novel solutions for products and services. Recently this approach has broadened, creating entirely new systems to deliver value. Businesses are embracing design thinking because it helps them be more innovative, to better differentiate, and deliver value with their brands. Non-profits and mission-driven organizations, such as CISV, are beginning to use design thinking as well to develop better solutions to social problems. This session will guide us through the process of crossing the traditional boundaries between public, for-profit, and non-profit sectors. We will ideate, prototype, and iterate rapidly. This and some other Social Innovation tools will allow our Chapters to complement our existing educational activities and encourage high-impact solutions arise from our volunteers, motivating them to bring their ideas into action.
This is a two-part session.

Presenter: Mateo Velez

From Vision to Village: The Founding of CISV
15 Aug 16:30-18:00


This multi-media presentation will focus on the founder of CISV, Dr. Doris Twitchell-Allen during the five years from her initial inspiration for CISV in August of 1946 until the to the start of the first Children’s International Summer Village in June of 1951. Using archival film, audio recordings, photographs, and documents from Dr. Allen’s personal and professional papers, this session will bring to life the challenges faced and overcome that resulted in the CISV programme. The session will outline Dr. Allen’s original plan for a UNESCO sponsored “Child-Youth Center” a three-month programme to be attended by children, parents, and teachers and will review Dr. Allen’s effort to secure UNESCO support for the project. While she was profoundly disappointed by the failure to secure support for her proposal, nevertheless, she persisted. Participants will the follow work of Dr. Allen and her husband, Attorney Erastus “Rusty” Allen”, as they persevered to transform Dr. Allen’s plan for education for international understanding into reality. While today’s Chapter volunteers will certainly relate to the struggles with fund raising, site selection, and recruitment of delegates and staff that were part of the first Village, they will be inspired by the vision, commitment, and unrelenting effort that resulted in CISV. Attending this session will give participants the knowledge and inspiration to link our present efforts to our historic mission and the enthusiasm to better promote CISV.

Presenter: Brett Vottero

What Kind of Peace Maker Am I?
15 Aug 16:30-18:00


Do you feel you act for a more just and peaceful world? How would you know? How could you improve yourself as a peacemaker? How could you improve your inner peace competencies? If any of these questions touched you in a deep way and if want to improve yourself as peacemaker, this session is for you. We will work with the content areas of violence, peace, active citizenship, and leadership to promote self-improvement with the aim to spread justice and peace.

Presenter: Tiago Basto and Esperanca Peixoto

What Makes an Active Global Citizen?
15 Aug 16:30-18:00


The aim to develop informed, responsible, and active global citizens through its educational experiences is at the heart of CISV’s mission. But, what counts as ‘active’ global citizenship? What does being an active global citizen mean in practice? What are attitudes and actions that mark out a global citizen, inside CISV and outside? This workshop will honour participants’ own experience and memories. It is hoped that through exploration we will be able to identify and extract meaningful moments and interactions that ’planted the seed’ or motivated them to be active global citizens. Furthermore, by sharing these experiences and how participants ‘ripened the fruit’ of active global citizenship through life, attendees will establish best practices of how to nurture these characteristics together.

Presenter: Madeleine Le Bourdon

Understanding Gender Diversity
15 Aug 16:30-18:00


CISV hosts numerous programmes around the world every year for youth of various ages, and issues around gender identity are often present. There is so much to learn about gender diversity to create a more just and peaceful world, and to ensure more just and peaceful programmes. To start with, how can we discuss these topics effectively and sensitively, in a way that everyone can understand and relate to? This interactive panel-style presentation will provide an opportunity for CISVers – delegates, parents, programme staff, delegation leaders, and CISV volunteers – to ask questions about gender identity. Panelists will include CISVers and people who identify as gender non-conforming/non-binary. People are often cautious about asking questions, for fear of being rude, ignorant or insensitive, and this can lead to exclusion and avoidance. The panel format offers a safe and compassionate opportunity to ask questions and to learn about the gender spectrum. Questions help to clarify many areas of lack of awareness. • Do LGBTQ participants feel included? • How do staff and leaders deal with youth who are struggling with their identity? • Is CISV prepared for this? • Do our legal forms accommodate non-binary genders? • Gender makeup of our delegations – still relevant? • Young person experiencing transition before Village – how will parents, delegation, leader and Village staff treat them? This session will be thought provoking, compassionate and even challenging to ourselves to become the diverse and tolerant organization we strive to be.

Presenters: Blair Lockhart & Jose Bassila

Film Screening
15 Aug 20:30-22:15


The Dialogue is a 68-minute documentary created by Crossing Borders Films and co-produced by Michigan State University, which follows four American and four Chinese university students as they travel together through Hong Kong and Southwest China. Together the students explore each other’s backgrounds and learn cross-cultural communication skills. Their shared travel adventures, the emotion of culture shock, honest confrontations and discoveries about each other become doorways to deepen their understanding of the world, of themselves and of styles of communication that can bridge cultural differences.


The Dialogue aims to grow social skills such as critical thinking and intercultural empathy, which enable communication across cultural differences. The film will be followed by a discussion with the film’s Director, Arnd Wächter.


Those attending the film may also wish to register for the companion session, Self-Empowerment for a New World through Dialogue: Strengthening Life Skills during Times of Division held earlier in the day.

Presenter: Arnd Wächter

Self-Empowerment for a New World through Dialogue: Strengthening Life Skills during Times of Division
15 Aug 11:15-13:00


How can we stay hopeful during harsh times? How can we make an active contribution to so much (!) needed change? How can we unlock the power/beauty of diversity?

This interactive session explores life skills for creating dialogues that can help us do the work of bridging painful divisions.

This is a companion session for the film screening of “The Dialogue”. Participants attending the screening might benefit from attending this session as well.

Presenter: Arnd Wächter



Volunteers, the Heart & Soul of CISV – Panel Discussion
16 Aug 9:00-10:45


A panel of experts in the fields of Human Resources and volunteer management engage in a discussion on how we grow and nurture our most valuable resource before breaking off into the sessions that follow to explore aspects of this topic in greater detail.

The Impact of Volunteer Engagement
16 Aug 11:15-13:00


How can CISV’s value of engagement positively shape and impact how we interact with each other and behave as an organization? Learn how the CISV International Volunteer Recruitment Policy and Procedures, Volunteer Induction policy, and other Human Resource tools assist in creating positive engagement. Explore how the benefits of positive engagement will help your Chapters and volunteer base grow. And when engagement is not positive, learn some tools and ways to turn it around.

Presenter: Jen Devolder

Volunteer Engagement: from Strategy to Practice
16 Aug 11:15-13:00


As an organization that aims to double its reach by 2030 and that seeks to promote volunteering as a practice of citizenship, we need to recognise the importance of orienting, organizing, and evaluating our processes of volunteer management to become stronger and grow in a sustainable way. This session aims to be a practical space to explore the processes, actions, and tools related to volunteer management. The strategy of volunteer management is organized in different stages, in which all the people who are part of the organization participate actively. To improve our management of volunteering these strategies are grouped into two major stages. Linkage: includes the actions of planning and recruitment of volunteers. Engagement: includes the actions of training, coaching, and the transition of roles.

Presenter: Barbara Sérvulo Herthel

Volunteer Pipeline: Keeping the Organization Staffed through Recruiting and Succession Planning
16 Aug 11:15-13:00


In human resource management, staffing the organization with qualified people has become quite a challenge considering the tough competition in recruitment and selection. This challenge is even more pronounced in organizations that are comprised largely by volunteers. With CISV’s new aggressive vision of doubling our reach by 2030, it is even more imperative at this stage of growth that we ensure that our organization takes a more proactive approach in staffing.

Attending this session will help participants understand the relevant HR techniques in recruiting and succession planning as they relate to the CISV context. By enabling the chapters and NAs with these two human resource competencies, they will better manage the organization since they are able to guarantee that the “volunteer pipeline” is able to address current and future staffing requirements of CISV 2030.

Presenter: Erwin Cudis


Leveraging our Multi-Generational Volunteer Talent
16 Aug 11:15-13:00 || 18 Aug 11:15-13:00


One of CISV’s greatest assets is our multi-generational volunteer corps, but are we maximizing this asset? This session is designed to challenge our own bias and how it may create barriers for participation with our Chapters and member associations. Are we losing talent because our perceptions limit our abilities to recognize the value in someone who is younger or older than ourselves? Come and understand the impact of our bias, and counteract the stereotypes that threaten our current and potential volunteers. Understand the diverse generational attitudes and values that shape our values and beliefs, and how to leverage our differences to grow our Chapters and widen our reach. To fully engage and appreciate how to foster a sustainable volunteer culture within our Chapters and member associations. Together we can increase opportunities, increase engagement and retention, build confidence and community to ultimately grow our Chapters and widen our reach.

Presenter: Tamara Thorpe

The Art of Giving and Receiving Effective Feedback
16 Aug 11:15-13:00


In most organizations where people interact in a dynamic mode, differences in opinions and ways of doing things will result in criticisms that will affect our relationships. However, this situation is a reality that people in the organizations have to face, otherwise it might blow out of proportion so that performance is compromised. One of the basic organizational skills that people must have is the ability to give and receive feedback.
Giving and receiving feedback is a two-way process which aims to communicate information about individual behavior in a non-threatening atmosphere. However, many people find it challenging to engage in a feedback session, without feeling uncomfortable and ensuring that no offence is meant.
The session will provide the participants opportunities to discuss theoretical underpinnings of the topic, and at the same present tips on how to conduct a productive giving and receiving feedback. The participants will also have a chance to apply their learning from the session through demonstration and skills practice.

Presenters: Mark Flores

Leading with Emotional Intelligence
16 Aug 11:15-13:00 || 18 Aug 9:00-10:45


To be a successful leader we certainly need strong technical skills, experience, and general, analytic intelligence. But we have experienced that many talented and intelligent individuals with strong job-related skills, fail. We have learned that these failures are often due to problems with co-workers, disputes with managers, or lack of practical intelligence or ‘street smarts’. Leadership is not about a position or a title; leadership is about relationships. Upon completion of this module, it is expected that the participants will be able to: • Understand what Emotional Intelligence is and why it matters more than IQ and technical skills in predicting successful performance. • Have an overview of the key competencies of Emotional Intelligence that will impact people’s behaviour and their relationships with others. • Implement and practice key competencies of emotional intelligence that will help them to improve their performance as a leader.

Presenter: Martina Dharmesti Sindhunatha



Successful Partnerships – Panel Discussion
16 Aug 16:30 – 18:00


We talk a lot about partnerships with Like Minded Organizations, commercial and not-for-profit, but what is the true value of partnerships and what can we do to make them a success? Join us to hear from both sides about these arrangements.

Confirmed Panelists:

Damian Zimmermann (Switzerland), Director Education Programmes, Pestalozzi Children’s Foundation

Allan Christoffersen (Denmark), Global Partnership and Brand Activation Director, momondo

Melissa Liles (USA), Chief Education Officer, AFS Intercultural Programs

Nicola Alexander (UK), Business Development Director, Travel Alberta

Moderator: Denise Farrar

Fundraising Foundations: Developing Individual and Alumni Donors
17 Aug 9:00 – 10:45


Over 80% of donations come from individuals and as CISV builds an alumni association, Chapters need to be prepared to engage and solicit alumni and other individuals as donors. Building on best practices from universities and other institutions, this session will cover foundational fundraising processes and strategies as well as the resources available from CISV International to support fundraising. We will apply this by having each participant think through their Chapter’s annual plan and identify when and how to integrate fundraising activities. We encourage you to attend with others from your Chapter!

Presenter: Denise Farrar

Successful Partnerships: Why and How to Build Relationships with Partners – and Where to Get Started
16 Aug 16:30 – 18:00


Understand the essential attitude, skills, and knowledge of effective corporate sponsorship seekers so that you can practice them in your Chapter. Learn how to attract sponsors and corporate partners – and build relationships with them. Knowing why companies undertake to sponsor organisations is crucial to success. We look at why sponsorship can be a powerful marketing and development tool and how and where to start. We’ll be using CISV case studies – including momondo – and introducing new tools and templates and helping you to develop your sponsorship (which does not always mean money) plan. Finding and building relationships with sponsors can help you to bring added value to what your Chapter is able to do and offer to prospective participants and volunteers – and raise your profile.

Presenter: Denise Farrar with Allan Christoffersen of momondo



Creative Programming – Panel Discussion
16 Aug 14:30-16:00


Join us to learn about creative and innovative programming that is going on in our Chapters throughout the world and get new ideas and inspiration for projects you can initiate in your own Chapter.

Co-hosting – Why and How?
16 Aug 16:30-18:00


CISV Denmark and CISV Slovenia co-hosted a Youth Meeting in the summer of 2017. This has been such a positive experience, that we want to encourage everyone to do more co-hosting! If we are to be an inter-national movement, we should also get better at working together on international projects! Co-hosting is an opportunity to develop relations with other CISV countries, to provide better and more diverse programs, and to help each other with making programs happen! One NA might have the people or the monetary resources, and another has cheaper locations and more people to help at the Chapter level – combined that can become a great camp! Or there might be many other things, where two countries can complement each other in hosting a programme. So, if you want to know why Co-hosting is great idea, and how to make it work – then come to our session.

Presenter: Anders Wulff and Urška Glavan Širok


Strengthening Bonds of Friendship

Local Camp in Sao Paulo

16 Aug 16:30-18:00


In July 2015, the São Paulo Chapter innovated and carried out a unique programme, Paulistinha. The Paulistinha is a short-lived camp that has as its central theme the city of São Paulo. The programme reinforces the fundamental values of CISV, develops leadership and organizational skills, and promotes continuous participation in CISV. Only 12-13-year olds participate in the Paulistinha, and each issue of the city serves as the focus for the development of the CISV educational content areas. The absence of language and distance barriers helped make Paulistinha a programme with more palpable goals and results, as well as strengthening ties of friendship between youth and adults. Another point that we wanted to work in CISV São Paulo is the socioeconomic differences of the population. Young people of the same age who speak the same language, live in the same city and have such different realities. Where and how are these young people living and what does everyone have in common? The idea of taking the CISV philosophy to the youth of these communities through a local programme was a constant idea in the Chapter. We believe that it would be a great opportunity to try to get out of the bubble that CISV is in our country. There have been four camps so far and we have never experienced “learning by doing method” as much as we do in Paulistinha. The programme is important to strengthen the bonds of friendship among young people and helps them to continue to participate in CISV activities throughout their lives until they become leaders. It is a way of creating bonds and commitment with CISV

Presenter: Luciana Clauss

Everyone Smiles in the Same Language

How a CISV Chapter and a School Community Came Together to Welcome and Support Refugee Children

16 Aug 16:30-18:00


Participants in this session should expect to learn how the global refugee crisis has manifested in Austin, Texas and how the CISV Austin/San Antonio Chapter collaborated with the local school community to create a dedicated after-school club to embrace, befriend, and support over 50 young refugee students from Africa and the Middle East. We are proud to have expanded our ‘Mosaic Club’ to the secondary school next door, where the older students with refugee status now have their own community of peers and CISVers as friends and support dedicated to the different difficulties and feelings of their age group. By continuously reflecting and adapting to the needs of these special populations and partnering with members of the community, we have been able to create a model for Mosaic Club that can be modified for implementation around the world, depending on each community’s diverse needs.

Presenter: Stephanie Hawkins

Mosaic and PESTLE: Grinding for Success
16 Aug 16:30-18:00


Mosaic is a programme that enables our organization to have a significant impact in the community. Creating Mosaic projects that are meaningful and relevant can be challenging at times. This session aims to aid Mosaic advocates to analyze various external factors that might affect the creation and implementation of their project. Environmental scanning is a very important component of the strategic decisions Chapters embark when initiating Mosaic. This session can help Chapters identify untapped resources, form new partnerships and create multi-disciplinary Mosaic endeavors. PESTLE is an acronym for “Political, Environmental, Socio-cultural, Technological, Legal and Economic “factors that affect a specific project in particular and the expansion of an organization in general. Conducting a PESTLE Analysis and correlating it with a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis can facilitate in broadening the Chapter’s horizon by reaching more people, creating more projects with impact and expanding strategic directions for growth.

Presenter: Alvin Parreno

Verda på Stord: A Project to Promote Diversity and Raise Profile
16 Aug 16:30-18:00


How do we create sustainable Mosaic projects with local impact? How do we find year-round activities that inspire existing members and new people at the same time? How do we work on diversity in our local Chapter? How to reach out and raise the profile of CISV in our community? How can we build new partnerships? The session aims to give inspiration to all of this. The small Chapter of CISV Sunnhordland, located on the West coast of Norway, has since 2013 developed a Mosaic project that grows stronger every year. Monthly activities with members, local youth and families along with refugees seeking asylum in Norway make up the target group. The project cooperates with a variety of organizations and local enthusiasts that enriches the educational content. It also gives a great way to promote CISV as a diverse organization. Consequently, CISV has in return been invited to several forums, project groups and happenings in the local community. So far more than 60 small Mosaic have been held, with more than 300 participants per year. This all happens on an island with circa 20.000 inhabitants. The session will give you inspiration to start new projects, show how to base new ideas in CISVs peace education, as well as be provide practical guide on how to implement practical aspects.

Presenters: Inger Berit (IB) Hagen and Andrea Gunderson

CISV’s International Programmes
16 Aug 16:30-18:00


Update and consultation with the National Representatives on the progress and direction of the CISV International Programme Review. This session is advised for National Representatives as well as anyone who has an interest in this work.

Governing Board




Building a Child Safe Organization
17 Aug 9:00-10:45


Navigating the uncomfortable and difficult to talk about world of child protection. Utilising best practice tools to support Chapter members in developing a community approach to child safety where children, youth, volunteers and parents have a safe place to address concerns and share the responsibility of child protection. Exploring concepts to include youth in the conversation about child protection, empowering and strengthening our community members to speak out when something is not “quite right”. We will consider current practices, hear examples of best practice and discuss ways to navigate child protection in our activities, programmes and use of social media.

Presenter: Emma Powell El-Gammal

Was That a Mistake or an Opportunity?

Resiliency Through Risk Management

17 Aug 9:00-10:45


Have you ever felt like you filed an Incident Report Form and nothing ever happened? You are not alone! Come find out how Risk Management really works in CISV. This interactive session will have you looking at “behind the scenes” RM responses. The focus of the session will be how to make CISV a better, stronger, growing organization through Risk Management, including discussions of how NAs can use the bi-annual Issues Reports to improve CISV for the benefit of every participant, the proper evaluation and training of leaders and staff, and best practices for the handling and use of Incident Reports, and some best practices to strengthen your NA/Chapter.

Presenter: Stephenie Teichmann

Strategic Planning: What’s in it for Everyone?
17 Aug 9:00 – 10:45 | 18 Aug 9:00 – 10:45


This session introduces the participants to CISV’s future way of discussing strategy on different levels of the organization. To be fully launched in 2019, the strategic planning workshop package will be a powerful tool for our NA’s to start building their own goals in alignment with CISV’s 2030 vision and growth ambitions. It helps us to look at the future and define what success will look like in different parts of the world. After participating in the session, you will have an overview of what the strategic planning workshop package is about and you will be equipped with basic understanding of how to build your local strategy, goals and measures to grow sustainably.

Presenter: Linda Nummelin

Retrospectives for Actionable Learning
17 Aug 9:00-10:45


Agile methods and frameworks, such as Scrum, help self-organizing software development teams to achieve their goals and improve their performance. Interestingly, those methods are successfully applied in a wider context, wherever empowered teams are working together on common goals. Several of our Chapter activities and projects are done by volunteers, self-organized in teams. These projects emerge quickly and don’t come with a formal evaluation. So how do we know if we did well? And how do we find out if there is a chance for improvement? In situations where the project needs to be repeated or the teams is going to work together again, this would be valuable organizational learning. It also has the potential to influence volunteer engagement. Agile methods look for continuous improvement, but they are not complex or complicated. This one has five simple stages: Set the stage, gather data, generate insights, decide what to do, and close. Agile methods foster engagement and usually come as a time-boxed activity that has everyone speaking-up and participating in a fail-safe environment. In this workshop, we will apply an activity for evaluation of our work, called Retrospective. Retrospectives are a meeting/activity at the end of a project or at certain intervals of work, where the whole team inspects and adapts their methods and teamwork. Retrospectives enable team-learning, act as catalysts for change, and generate action (Ester Derby, Diana Larsen: Agile Retrospectives). Retrospectives can be used as a Chapter tool for organizational improvement and for volunteer engagement, but also to answer the simple question: Have we been successful, and can we be proud of our work?

Presenter: Frank Steffen

Understanding CISV Finances and Financial Routines
17 Aug 9:00-10:45


Do you know what happens to the monies you pay to CISV International? Where do your programme fees go? Where does our revenue come from and how can we make conscious decisions within our Chapters and National Associations to support the financial success of our organization? If you are interested in learning more about the financial workings of CISV, this is the session for you.

Presenter: Roman Parzei

Logic Models: A Planning Tool for Your Chapter
17 Aug 9:00-10:45


Does your Chapter have trouble planning and prioritising all the work it must accomplish? Do you get stuck finding the best solution to the problem? Are you looking to make your fundraising proposals stronger? Logic models are a planning and implementation tool that can help you define a problem, develop the best solution, and plan the work to achieve maximum impact. Completed logic models show the logical relationships between the resources, activities, outputs, and outcomes of a program or initiative. This workshop will teach you how to develop one and give you a chance to practice putting yours together.

Presenter: Leah Donelan

Strategic Priorities for CISV
17 Aug 9:00 – 10:45


Presentation of CISV International’s 2019-2021 strategic plan. This session is advised for National Representatives as well as anyone who has an interest in this work.

Presenters: Governing Board

How To Take the Most Out of Camps: Enhancing the Benefits of Hosting
16 Aug 11:15-13:00


Hosting Villages and Step Ups for Chapter capacity building can be a challenge   This session will help you identify how to use hosting to consolidate the strengths of your Chapter and embrace external opportunities. Other than providing a unique experience for children and youth, Villages and Step Ups are great tools for fundraising, profile raising and volunteer recruitment and retention.  This session will explore how these two programmes can achieve this and how your Chapter can use it strengths to boost volunteer and programme participation aiming for sustainable growth.  The session will help you better understand the opportunities these programmes can offer, taking into consideration your local reality, as well as exploring some success cases along the way, and share experiences with others.  You can expect to go away with an action plan for your Chapter.

Presenter: Bruno Gonçalves



Facts Tell, Stories Sell: How and Why Non-Profits Tell Their Stories With VIdeo
17 Aug 11:15 – 13:00


In this session, Nick demonstrates the power that a good story has over an audience. You will learn how to use the medium of video to move viewers to action. This session will cover finding characters and places, communicating the purpose of your story, and keeping your audience engaged. Whether your budget is $5 or $5,000, by following this formula and putting story first in your video communications, you will surely find your organization reaching new members, and engaging existing ones with renewed energy.

Presenter: Nick Lavery

A Journalist’s Perspective:
Tips on How to Reach People with CISV Stories
17 Aug 11:15 – 13:00


Attend this session if you would like some advice from an experienced journalist about how you can engage reporters in your city and share CISV stories with new audiences. We’ll analyse some CISV-specific news release templates that can be adapted by any Chapter. We’ll talk about where, when and how to use those kinds of news releases to draw attention to CISV. We’ll look at many modes of getting attention for your news release, including social media, email, blogs and personal interactions with journalists. In small groups, you will brainstorm potential communications with journalists and share your ideas with the rest of the people at this session. You will leave with lots of practical ideas that you can take back to your Chapter and use to spread the word about CISV and its mission.

Presenter: Emilia Askari

Story Lab: Parts 1 and 2
Part 1 – 17 Aug 11:15 – 13:00
Part 2 – 17 Aug 14:30 – 16:00
Part 1 – 18 Aug inte9:00 – 10:45 
Part 2 – 18 Aug 11:15 – 13:00

Storytelling is crucial for social change organizations these days. Clients, donors, volunteers and employees all want to know what difference you are making and story is THE most powerful way to show rather than tell them about your impact. In this ‘know + do’ interactive workshop, you will be gaining a better understanding of the power of story AND crafting/telling stories of your own. After Story Lab, participants will be able to find, craft and tell stories that bring their organization’s impact to life. This is one of a two-part session.

Presenter: Lianne Picot

Servas International:
Exploring Common Challenges
17 Aug 11:15 – 13:00


Servas is an international community of hosts and travellers that began in 1949 as “Peacebuilders.” The hope of Servas is that through shared travel and hosting experiences members will bring about global peace and goodwill initiatives through multicultural dialogue between peoples of different cultures, languages, ages, genders, and abilities. In this session the presenter, the President of Servas International, will offer an introduction to his organization and will also explore some common challenges for Servas and CISV as both organizations seek to grow and identify some solutions. We will also consider any potential for partnership working at NA/country level. This will be an interactive session and we hope to be joined by members of Servas from Benelux countries.

Presenter: Jonny Sågänger

Social Media as an Engagement Tool in the Millennial Age
17 Aug 14:30 – 16alu:00


Social media has seen an exponential growth in the last ten years and it is forcing us to change how we reach out and how our content connects with anyone interested in our goals. Users are interested in the social aspect of social media. They want to have a conversation, they want to tell their stories, and that is where we need to develop new strategies as organizations to provide content that allows users to engage in that conversation and feel like they are part of something bigger. Social media can be used like any other communication channel for whatever objective you may have, such as: engaging your community; as a recruitment tool; and getting feedback for what you are doing.

Presenter: Aaron Mejia

Alumni Association: An Introduction
17 Aug 14:30 – 16:00


Find out more about the new CISV International Alumni Association, how it will work and what it can do for you. We’ll be showcasing a number of new initiatives, including a Mentoring Scheme, and explaining what they can do for your Chapter and NA

Presenters: Denise Farrar

Let the Web Work for Your Chapter
17 Aug 14:30 -16:00


Did you know that CISV International offers a new website hosting platform? And did you know that it is based on WordPress (currently the easiest website CMS known)? And did you know that you can use it for your NA/PA or Chapter? And further did you know that it comes for free (i.e.: at NO cost) for any NA/PA or Chapter? Even if you knew all of that, then we might surprise you with a few insights on how efficiently this platform can work for you to engage new volunteers, make people interested in CISV, and help raising awareness for our mission. And if all of this is still not enough to make you curious, then maybe you will get excited when you learn that in this session you will be able to setup your own little web site project and take the first steps into execution (no, you do not need a computer for this). We’ll be doing an introduction to the website hosting platform and what it is capable of. In the interactive part of the session you’ll be able to collaboratively work out a plan to start your Chapter or NA/PA website project.

Presenter: Thom Kunz and Katharina Schwarzer

CISV Brand From A-Z
17 Aug 14:30 -16:00
18 Aug 9:00 -10:45


A brand is one of the most important elements to communicate what we do and what we believe in. Through the colours, our typography, and the way we formulate our texts we are able to communicate more than with one full paragraph. If you feel like you can benefit from using the CISV brand accurately. If you’re just starting to see how a brand influences everything – and how that can help ensure you’re getting your message out there. In this session, you’ll learn how to understand the CISV brand beyond Looking Good and Just Saying and how to apply it.

Presenter: Agus Cuadra

Storytelling: The Power of Our CISV Stories – Panel Discussion
17 Aug 16:30 -18:00


Our CISV stories are extremely powerful and inspirational. They speak to why we do what we do and are our biggest asset for promotion of our organization. In this session, you will hear from CISVers on the impact their CISV experience had on them and what it led them to in their lives and careers

Confirmed panelists:

David Wertheimer, CISV USA Alum, Director of Community and Civic Engagement, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Caecilia van Peski, CISV Netherlands Alum, Section Chief, Peace Programming, United Nations Volunteers/United Nations Development Programme

Reynaldo Laguda, CISV Philippines Alum, Executive Director, Philippine Business for Social Progress

Moderator: Daniel Edelshaim



Member’s Meeting
18 Aug 9:00-10:45 || 18 Aug 11:15-13:00


Formal meeting of the Membership of CISV International. National Representatives and IJRs will attend, along with the Governing Board, Secretary General, and Honorary Counsellors who are present. Observers are welcome.

Farewell Party Featuring Gaby Moreno
18 Aug 20:30-22:00


Singing has always been an important part of CISV programmes. Come hear Emmy-winning, Grammy-nominated artist and CISV alum, Gaby Moreno perform some of your favourites!

Gaby Moreno

Welcome Session
14 Aug 20:00-21:30


Let’s get to know each other, what to expect from the next four days and meet our Reflection Groups as we launch the second CISV Global Conference.

Bringing it Home
18 Aug 14:30-16:00

Bringing it Home is about taking back our learning and experiences from the event to our Chapters. By now you have gathered a lot of new ideas from others, gained new knowledge and insights, are inspired to return to your home Chapter and put these into action. This is your opportunity to reflect on this new information and formulate your action plans for your return. We will also provide you with ideas and techniques to help inspire those back at your Chapter who could not attend to support you.

Closing Ceremony
18 Aug 16:30-18:00


Let us thank you, those who made this event possible, and honour the winners of our Volunteer Awards as we wrap up this wonderful event.



International Junior Branch (IJB) Orientation
14 Aug 16:30-18:00

JBers at Global Conference 2018

The 2018 Global Conference is expected to have more than 700 participants. With a lot of important information, more than 30 sessions to choose and learn from, and key moments for all parts of CISV including Junior Branch, this conference is expected to be a very interesting journey. In this IJB Orientation we will go over some IJBC specifics (such as IJR Q&A or IJR elections) while going over the overall event logistics and identifying in advance everything JBers can take from it. Additionally, there will be a presentation about “The Year in IJB”, with updates on the International Junior Branch’s work since the last IJBC.
It is strongly recommended that all JBers present in the Global Conference take part in this session. In order to attend this session, please make sure that you arrive before 15:00 on 14 August.

Presenters: Flora Gurgel & Pipa Raimundo

Exploring Diversity: The Content Area of 2018
15 Aug 14:30-16:00


Every year, Junior Branch develops different initiatives related to one of the four CISV content areas of peace education. Youth is typically associated with creativity and innovation, and Junior Branch has a long history of exploring educational content in an inventive way. Diversity is our content area for 2018. In this session, we will gather the multicultural audience of the Global Conference for a unique educational activity on Diversity – which is also ready to be run at Chapter events or programmes.

Presenters: Flora Gurgel & Luisa Lima

Where We Are At (JB Self-Evaluation Tool – JB SET)
16vo Aug 9:00-10:45


The JB SET stands for Junior Branch Self-Evaluation Tool. In this session and in light of the data that will be presented by the International Junior Representatives Candidates of the current year, participants will be reflecting and setting specific actions for the improvement and development of Junior Branch in CISV. They will do so by setting priorities for the work of Junior Branch within their NAs and Chapters for the upcoming year.
This session is for anyone with an interest in Junior Branch’s growth and is mandatory for all JBers.

Presenters: Flora Gurgel , Pipa Raimundo & IJR Candidates

International Junior Representative (IJR) Candidates Q&A
16 Aug 14:30-16:00


A new International Junior Branch Representative (IJR) is elected every year. As part of their candidacy, and in addition to the written questionnaire, IJR candidates will have to answer a few questions regarding their opinions, ideas and vision for IJB.
This is a fundamental session to get to know the candidates in order to make a thoughtful decision during elections and is for anyone with an interest in understanding Junior Branch’s governance and decision-making processes
This session is mandatory for all JBers.

Presenters: Flora Gurgel & Pipa Raimundo & IJR Candidates

Educational Content: How Can We Do Better?
17 Aug 16:30-18:00


As an organization, we have set the goal of being known for our educational experiences. With the attempt to double our reach, we need to examine the educational content we currently provide and make sure we are creating the highest quality educational experiences. In this session, we will be discussing educational content activities, the messages they are sending, and ways to develop the education provided by CISV. This session will take a critical analysis on the educational content provided by CISV and take home innovative ideas on how to develop it. Anyone can join this session, which will be especially interesting for people involved with the content of our educational programmes and projects.

Presenters: Santana Briggs , Natasha Clarita & Luisa Lima

Integration in Process – What are the Next Steps for Junior Branch?
17 Aug 11:15-13:00


One of the objectives of the first Strategic Plan of CISV International was that by 2018, the organization would decide the way to more fully integrate youth throughout CISV. But what does it mean for Junior Branch to be more integrated in CISV? How can we ensure that integration happens at local, national, and international level? What are the expectations and goals from both JB and CISV that we would like to achieve with this integration?
In this session, we will be going over what has been done in regards to the integration of Junior Branch since 2013 and set concrete goals for the upcoming years. This session will seek to understand what it means for Junior Branch to be fully integrated in the organization and to set concrete goals for what is coming next. It is for anyone interested in discussing possibilities of integration for youth in the organization.

Presenters: Santana Briggs , Pipa Raimundo & Rouven Schutte

International Junior Branch Representative Election
17 Aug 20:30-22:00


This decision-making session is dedicated to the election of the new International Junior Branch Representative (IJR). Participants are presented with the election procedures and NJRs are asked to vote.

This session is for anyone and is mandatory for National Junior Representatives.

Presenters: Flora Gurgel , Pipa Raimundo & IJR Election Chair

Inspiring for Action: Contributing to CISV
18 Aug 11:15-13:00


There are multiple ways of contributing to CISV mission. As volunteers, we are involved with the organisation for different reasons. Because of that, there are projects and initiatives that make us even more interested about. Developing different tools that can improve CISV; exploring a specific theme on one of our educational content areas; applying in CISV a set of skills you have because of your area of study or career and so on! Have you had the chance of discussing common interests with “like-minded CISVers” from different parts of the world? In this session, we will explore our personal passions and turn them into high quality initiatives to constantly develop CISV in many different approaches. By the end of the session you will have planned an initiative on an area of interest with like-minded CISVers. This session is for
anyone willing to bring back home ideas to implement in their Chapters, NAs or team projects and initiatives, related to their personal areas of interest.