After a long day of sessions, listening, and learning – how about a night of relaxed conversations about interesting topics? This year we are offering ‘Communities of Interest’, a moderated but informal space, where groups can have an informal discussion on topics that interest them. Here you can speak with CISVers from all around the world about how they deal with inclusion, Finance, Risk Management, and
more. You are invited to join a group for the evening, or move around and join a number of groups. You can also start your own group.


15 August


Community of Interest: Educational Programme

Our programme experts will be available for you to meet and/or ask questions with respect to one or more programmes of interest.

Location: Baroniezaal

Hosted by: Educational Programmes Committee

Community of Interest: Training

In this space, we will provide participants with the opportunity to:

  • Discuss the training policy and the ongoing review process and provide feedback
  • Learn about the ongoing work on the strategic priorities in the training area
  • Raise any training-related topics they want, and discuss them with TQA Committee members and other CISVers present

Location: Parkzaal

Hosted by: Training & Quality Assurance Committee

Community of Interest: Diversity and Inclusion in CISV

As part of our principles, CISV says “we appreciate the similarities between people and value their differences” and “we support social justice and equality of opportunity for all”.  CISV also has a policy of non-discrimination where we make clear that protection extended in the UN’s International Declaration of Human Rights, the Declaration on the Rights of the Child, and other appropriate regional human rights charters (including the right to privacy) will be observed in CISV operations.  In this Community of Interest, we will create a space where we can discuss some of the following questions:

  • When people are not simply “male” or “female”, how does CISV include all kinds of gender identities?
  • How can CISV be open and inclusive to families that don’t consist of man, woman, and children?
  • What can we do to include people with disabilities?
  • In what ways can we make people with mental health conditions feel safe and included?
  • What do we do when a participant acts outside of CISV’s values of inclusion?
  • How do we create spaces where people of different religions can meet despite historical or current world conflicts?

If any of these questions interest you, come by and have a chat!  You will also be able to give input to CISV International if you feel that there are resources or support we could be offering on this topic.

Location: Room 82/83

Hosted by: Anders Wulff, Stephenie Teichman, and Marlien Mackay

Community of Interest: How Convention Bureaus Can Help You Plan Your Events

This community of interest is for anyone who is involved with planning and hosting CISV events or is hoping to in the future (RTFs, Regional Meetings etc) or even larger programmes. Nicola and Gemmeke will talk about the work of Convention Bureaus in general and the assistance they can give. Come and find out about all the help that is available to you and join a discussion on managing and promoting events.

Location: Room 80

Hosted by: Nicola Alexander of Visit Alberta and Gemmeke de Jongh of Meet In Flanders

Communities of Interest:  Chapter Development

‘What support is on offer for your Chapter?  Come and find out from Chapter Development’  To some people, Chapter Development is a mystery.  To others, Chapter Development provides support Promotional Associations.  The truth is Chapter Developments offers so much more and we are here to help all Chapters across CISV.  Come along and meet members of the Committee and Regional Delivery Teams and find out how we can help your Chapter.

Room 81

Hosted by: Chapter Development


17 August


Community of Interest: Dealing with Challenges

Creating educational experiences for people from all over the world is challenging! How do we deal with these challenges?  How can we learn from each other?  How can we work with things when they go wrong? How can we sometimes find opportunities in the challenges?  In this Community of Interest we will explore how CISVers from all around the world answer these questions.  This could be in relation to things like:

  • Selection – how do we select the right leader? Families? Volunteers? Participants? What do we do if they turn out to be wrong?
  • Bullying – how do we create safe spaces for the children and youth we work with?  How can we get everyone to treat each other with kindness and respect?
  • E-safety – how do we help our children, youth, and volunteers to interact in positive ways via social media?
  • Hosting – how do we find the right campsite? What do we do when there are problems with it?
  • Board or committee work – what do we do to get everyone to work constructively together? How do we handle it when we have difficult people in the boards, staffs, committees, or kitchens?

If you come with other challenges, then we are also happy to discuss those! This is a chance to meet and learn from each other.

Location: Room 82/83

Hosted by: Anders Wulff, Stephenie Teichman, and Marlien Mackay

Community of Interest: Finance

Do you have questions about these or other aspects of CISV Finances?

  • Understanding CISV finances
  • Quarterly billings
  • How to best deal with foreign exchange
  • NA/Chapters and their best practices
  • Cost sharing re: Global Conference

If so, please join David and Roman for a discussion around the areas of interest to you.

Location: Room 52

Hosted by: Roman Parzei (Resources and Infrastructure Committee) and David Schofield (Fiscal Officer, CISV International)

Community of Interest: CISV International Peace Fund

Come and learn more about the Peace Fund, get questions answered about how to submit a successful application, learn the process and restrictions on what the Peace Fund can support, and chat with Peace Fund Trustees.

Location: Room 81

Hosted by: Gill Uy, Chair CISV International Peace Fund and Peace Fund Trustees

Community of Interest: National Representatives

Come and meet your National Representative! And if you are a National Representative, meet other National Representatives!  New to this role?  This evening is an opportunity to get acquainted, ask questions of experienced National Representatives, as well as your opportunity to discuss the motions in advance of the Member’s Meeting on Saturday.

Location: Parkzaal

Hosted by: Blair Lockhart, Esa Turta and John Gayoso, Chairs of the Member’s Meeting